My Story

When everything changed, I learned a valuable lesson.

It was not about me anymore. As soon as I found out I was expecting my oldest daughter, Sophia, my perspective shifted. Up to that moment, I had been trying to find myself and discover what I was meant to do with my life. Months later, when Sophia was born, I

knew I had found my purpose.

Don’t get me wrong, it was not all roses and snapshots of baby’s firsts. Raising a child is hard work and gets messy. However, becoming a mom gave me the sense of place and purpose that I had been searching for.

Sophia’s father worked a lot so that I could stay home. However, after a few months as a stay-at-home mom, although I loved taking care of my daughter, I needed to do more. I have always been a person on the go, a type A personality that needed a project. The problem was, even though I found my purpose, I still was not sure what I wanted to do professionally.

Before I became a mother, I had very little work/life balance and usually worked seven days a week. At age 21 I began my career in real estate and though I loved what I did, I felt that I needed to find more balance. After several years, I stepped away and went on a journey of self-discovery to find some grounding and stay connected. Of course, I never learned the perfect formula and do not think any one person has, however, when Sophia was born, I discovered that connection.

After having my second daughter Eva in 2013, I completed my Business Degree, but needed to re-enter the workforce urgently; there was no more time to venture towards something new and in order to support my family, I returned to the familiar: real estate. In 2015 I began working with a builder and though it was a great experience, it still was not quite right. A couple of years later, I welcomed my little boy Derek to our family, and soon after, I decided to branch out on my own as a full time REALTOR®, right back where I began 19 years earlier at Windermere Manito.

Right after I started my business, COVID hit, and I was at home with my two girls and little boy. It was a chaotic time getting the girls to school with a shaky internet connection and finding a moment to work in between helping them and corralling my son who was 1 ½ years old at the time. There were a lot of late nights and early mornings and at first, I felt overwhelmed.

Although there were long days with my children tagging along, we made it work. Quitting has never been something I take lightly and even though it was rough in the beginning, I stuck with real estate and refused to give up because it felt right, as if I was guided to where I needed to be. Through it all, I learned that there are always tough chapters in life, but just as surely as spring turns into summer, those difficult chapters also end and lead to new beginnings.

I have been a licensed REALTOR® since 2000. I enjoy spending time outside with my kids and husband John, staying in touch with nature, meditating, and trying out new restaurants. My favorite part of being a REALTOR® is getting to know the stories of my clients and helping them find the perfect ending to their chapter before turning the page.

Buying or selling a home is a very personal journey. It is a huge part of your life and a big investment and walking my clients through this process is a bonding experience which results in my clients becoming some of my closest friends. Knowing who you are and what matters to you means that I can guide you through this transition in your life. I have been in the industry since 2000 and know that crazy things can happen. That is why I continue to support my clients long after closing because your story does not end here, there is always another chapter.




Erika Rayburn